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Gender Sex Selection

Gender sex selection is a topic that has garnered significant interest among expectant parents. The ability to determine and select the gender of their baby before conception has become a reality through the advancements in in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS). In this article, we will explore the reasons why some couples opt for gender selection, the benefits it offers, and the success rates associated with this procedure.

Expectant parents are often posed with the question, “Do you want a boy or a girl?” While some prefer the traditional approach of waiting until the birth of their child to discover the gender, others seek to proactively choose the sex of their baby. With the help of IVF and PGS, couples can now have the opportunity to select the gender of their future child even before conception.

Individuals or couples wanting to choose their child’s sex for the purpose of family balancing follow the same procedure as those undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF).

The Process of Gender Sex Selection

Gender sex selection involves the use of IVF and PGS techniques. After the embryos have been created and allowed to develop, typically reaching a stage of 60-100 cells, a single cell is extracted from each embryo for analysis. PGS not only determines the gender of the embryos but also identifies any chromosomal abnormalities. The doctor then selects the unaffected embryos for transfer or freezing, depending on the parents’ preferences.

The determination of the embryo’s sex relies on the two chromosomes inherited from the mother and the father. The combination of these chromosomes, either X or Y, determines the baby’s sex. By testing the cells of a fertilized egg (embryo), its chromosomal makeup is determined.

Only embryos of the desired sex are then transferred into the uterus, while any remaining healthy embryos may be cryopreserved for future use, donated to other couples, used for scientific research, or appropriately disposed of.

Sex Selection for Fertility Patients

For individuals undergoing fertility treatment with IVF and utilizing preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) to identify embryos with genetic abnormalities, the option of sex selection is easy. This may also apply to current IVF patients or individuals who have eggs or embryos stored in cryostorage.

Couples without fertility challenges may opt for IVF to choose the sex of their child.

Facts about Sex Selection

Sex selection, also referred to as gender selection or family balancing, involves determining the genetic sex (male or female) of each embryo created through IVF.

Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is used to identify the sex of embryos by analyzing a few cells taken from the developing embryo in the laboratory.

Following testing, only healthy embryos of the desired sex are implanted into a woman during the embryo transfer procedure. People may choose sex selection for a variety of reasons, including medical and personal motivations.

Family Balancing: Creating the Desired Gender Ratio

One of the primary reasons why parents opt for gender selection is family balancing. Some couples may already have multiple children of the same gender and desire a child of the opposite sex to create a more balanced family dynamic. Cultural or religious factors may also influence this decision, along with a personal preference from one of the parents to have a child of a specific gender. While these couples may not face infertility issues, they still need to undergo IVF with PGS to determine the gender of the embryos.

Preventing X-Linked Genetic Disorders

X-linked genetic disorders, which are carried on the sex chromosome, pose a significant concern for parents who may carry such conditions. By selecting a female embryo, parents can prevent the transmission of X-linked recessive conditions that primarily affect males, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy or hemophilia. Genetic testing or the experience of having a previous child affected by a genetic disorder may lead parents to consider gender selection as a means to safeguard their child’s health.

IVF and Genetic Screening: Expanding Family Possibilities

Some couples who are already undergoing IVF may choose to add genetic screening to their procedure. By learning the gender of their embryos, these parents can have the freedom to create the family they envision. This option becomes particularly attractive to individuals who realize their reproductive capacity is limited. Additionally, PGS enhances the chances of a successful pregnancy by transferring the most viable embryos with the correct number of chromosomes.

The Success Rates of Gender Sex Selection

When performed by experienced fertility clinics with well-trained lab technicians, gender sex selection using PGS has shown high success rates. Particularly when five-day embryos are used, the effectiveness of PGS in selecting genders reaches an impressive 99.9%. However, it is important to note that no procedure can guarantee 100% accuracy. In rare cases, the embryologist may not find a “signal” in the single cells or cells screened from the embryo.


  1. Is gender sex selection legal?  Yes, gender sex selection is legal in some countries. Research to understand laws and regulations in your specific region.
  2. Are there any risks or side effects associated with gender sex selection?  The process of gender sex selection itself does not pose significant risks or side effects. However, it is essential to consult with a medical professional to understand any potential risks associated with IVF and genetic screening.
  3. Will gender sex selection guarantee the birth of a child of the desired gender? While gender sex selection techniques have high success rates, 99%, they cannot guarantee the birth of a child of the desired gender. It is important to approach the procedure with realistic expectations and understand the limitations involved.
  4. How much does gender sex selection cost? Gender sex selection costs are expensive in the United States, which is why we’ve located some of the best, yet affordable doctors abroad.
  5. Are there any ethical concerns associated with gender sex selection? Gender sex selection raises ethical considerations, particularly when it is pursued for non-medical reasons. It is crucial to have open discussions and consider the ethical implications before making a decision.

In conclusion, gender sex selection has become a viable option for couples who wish to have more control over their family planning journey. 

With the advancements in IVF and PGS, prospective parents can choose the gender of their future child for reasons such as family balancing and preventing genetic disorders.

By offering couples the freedom to shape their family, gender sex selection represents a significant advancement in reproductive technologies.

In Vitro Fertilization: A Comprehensive Guide

The natural fertility rate is 20%.
For every 100 fertile 30-year-old
women trying to conceive, 20 will be
successful and 80 must try again.

What is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) that has revolutionized the field of infertility treatment. IVF is a highly effective method of achieving pregnancy when other methods have failed. This procedure can be done using:
  • A couple’s own eggs and sperm.
  • Donor eggs, sperm, or embryos.
  • Gestational carrier (Surrogacy).
In vitro fertilization (IVF) involves fertilizing a woman’s egg with sperm, outside the body in a laboratory dish, and then transferring the resulting embryo to the woman’s uterus. IVF is a treatment option for couples who are struggling with infertility, or for women who have certain medical conditions that make it difficult or impossible to conceive naturally.

1 in 8 couples have trouble getting pregnant.
6.7 million Americans have trouble conceiving each year.

How IVF Works?

IVF is a multi-step process. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Ovarian stimulation: Before IVF begins, a woman undergoes ovarian stimulation to produce multiple eggs for retrieval. Fertility drugs stimulate egg production.
  2. Egg retrieval: Once the eggs are mature, they are retrieved using a needle guided by ultrasound. The eggs are then taken to the laboratory for fertilization.
  3. Fertilization: The eggs are fertilized with sperm in a laboratory dish, and the resulting embryos are monitored for several days to ensure proper development.
  4. Embryo transfer: Viable embryos are transferred to the woman’s uterus using a catheter. This is typically done 3-5 days after fertilization.
  5. Pregnancy test: Two weeks after the embryo transfer, a pregnancy test is done to determine if the IVF cycle was successful.

IVF Stages in Detail

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex process that involves multiple stages. Each of these stages must be executed successfully before the couple can proceed to the next stage.

Preparatory Phase

Before undergoing IVF, both partners will be evaluated medically. The medical center will take a detailed medical history and perform a physical examination. Additionally, both partners will need to provide informed consent for the procedure. Various blood tests may be ordered to detect or exclude certain infections, especially those that are blood-borne or sexually transmitted.

Suppressing (Downregulating) the Natural Hormone Cycle

Women who are ovulating will receive a suppressive dose of hormones, either in the form of a daily self-administered nasal or injection spray. This treatment lasts for approximately two weeks.


To produce multiple embryos, various protocols are used to stimulate ovulations. To prevent premature ovulation, pituitary suppression is first achieved by pre-treatment with a long-acting gonadotropin-agonist (Lupron).

Once optimal suppression is achieved, gonadotropins are injected daily to stimulate ovarian follicular development. Follicle growth is monitored with ultrasound imaging and hormone level assays.


When the lead follicle reaches a critical mass (about 12 days), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is administered to simulate the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, triggering ovulation.

After about 36 hours, under ultrasound guidance, transvaginal follicular aspiration is performed to retrieve the oocytes from the follicles in both ovaries.

The procedure is performed under sedation, and side effects include mild cramping and soreness, with some vaginal bleeding.

After oocyte retrieval, progesterone pessaries, injections, or gels, are prescribed to prepare the endometrium for implantation within 5 days of fertilization.

The oocytes are cultured in a special media within an incubator until they are ready for insemination.


In this stage, the oocytes and sperms are mixed and left alone for fertilization to occur in a special medium.

The method of fertilization used depends on sperm quality. Provided normal sperm is available from the partner, about 50,000 to 100,000 motile sperm are placed into the dish containing the oocytes. This is called standard insemination.

If normal motile sperm are not available, the intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) technique is preferred. Here, single sperm are picked out using microneedles and directly injected into the cytoplasm of the oocyte under a high-power microscope.

This allows fertilization to proceed. Sperm may be aspirated directly from the testicular tissue if they are absent in the sperm sample. Such sperm are always used via ICSI for fertilization in IVF because they are immature when retrieved.

Embryo Culture

After fertilization, the embryos are cultured for up to six days in a special medium to allow for cell division and growth. During this time, the embryos are monitored for their growth and development.

This allows the embryos to develop further and attain the proper cell division stage for transfer. The length of time spent in culture varies, but it usually ranges from 3 to 5 days.

Embryo Transfer

The best embryos are selected for transfer to the uterus. This transfer is performed under ultrasound guidance and does not require anesthesia. The number of embryos transferred depends on the age of the female.

The procedure involves placing embryos directly into the uterine cavity using a small catheter. The number of embryos transferred depends on the patient’s age and medical history. The goal is to transfer the minimum number of embryos necessary to achieve a healthy pregnancy, while avoiding multiple gestations.

Luteal Phase Support

After the embryo transfer, the patient receives luteal phase support, supporting the pregnancy. Progesterone supplementation is given in various forms such as vaginal suppositories, injections, or oral tablets. The patient is monitored closely during this time to ensure the success of the procedure.

Pregnancy Test

About two weeks after the embryo transfer, the patient undergoes a pregnancy test to determine procedural success. If the test is positive, the patient will continue to receive luteal phase support until the pregnancy is well established. If the test is negative, the patient may start the process all over again.

Fertility declines at about 35 years of age

Pros and Cons of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

While IVF has helped many couples conceive, it is important to understand both the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure.

Pros of IVF

  • Fallopian Tubes Not Necessary
    IVF does not require a woman’s fallopian tubes to be open and functioning. If a woman’s fallopian tubes are blocked due to a previous infection or other reasons, IVF may be the only possible treatment to conceive a child. Unlike intrauterine insemination (IUI), which requires open and functioning fallopian tubes, IVF implants the embryo directly into the uterus.
  • Low Sperm Count
    IVF is also a good option for couples dealing with male infertility issues such as low sperm count or poor sperm quality. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a technique used in IVF to directly inject sperm into the egg, which increases the chances of successful fertilization.
  • Lowered Chance of Abnormality
    IVF allows for genetic testing of embryos before implantation, which can help reduce the risk of conceiving with a genetic abnormality. This can be particularly beneficial for couples who are at a higher risk of passing on certain genetic disorders to their child.

Cons of IVF

  • Multiple Pregnancy

    One of the potential drawbacks of IVF is the increased risk of multiple pregnancies. While the goal of fertility treatment is to conceive one baby at a time, there is a possibility of the embryo splitting, resulting in twins or more.

  • No/Fewer Eggs Collected Than Expected
    During the egg retrieval process, fewer eggs may be collected or no eggs collected at all. This is disappointing and frustrating for couples hoping to increase their chances of conception through IVF.

  • Emotional Toll
    IVF treatment is emotionally and physically demanding, taking a toll on couples. It is important to prioritize mental health during this time and seek support when needed. By weighing the pros and cons of IVF, couples can make an informed decision about their fertility treatment options.

90% of infertility cases can be overcome


IVF Costs Per Cycle by U.S. City

IVF Costs: Understanding the Fees and Additional Expenses

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a popular treatment option for couples struggling with infertility. However, it comes with a high price tag. According to recent estimates, the cost of a single IVF cycle can range from $10,000 to $30,000 or more in the United States. Let review what factors contribute to IVF costs and what additional expenses you may encounter during the process.

Understanding the Base Fee for IVF

When pricing IVF at fertility clinics in the United States, expect to be quoted between $12,000 and $14,000 for one cycle. However, this base fee does not cover all the necessary procedures and treatments. Additional fees will be charged for injectable hormones, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), genetic testing of embryos, cryostorage fees for embryos, as well as others.
Ask for a clear list of what the base fee includes and what will be charged as additional fees.

Additional Fees and Expenses

In addition to the base fee, there are several other costs associated with the IVF process. Here’s a breakdown of the fees you may encounter:

Fertility Assessment: Before the IVF procedure, a fertility assessment is required, which includes an ultrasound, blood test, and physical exam. The cost of this assessment can range from $250 to $500.

Semen Analysis: A semen analysis costing $200 – $250 is necessary to determine sperm quality.

Injectable Medications: An essential component of the IVF process, medication costs from $3,000 to $6,000.

Donor Sperm: If required, anticipate $300 to $1,600 in expenses.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): This specialized way of creating embryos is necessary when not enough sperm is produced, the sperm have difficulty attaching to the egg, the egg has been frozen prior to the procedure, or genetic testing on the embryo is planned. The cost of ICSI goes up to $2,000.

Anesthesia: Anesthesia, necessary for egg retrieval, is typically included in the base fee. However, if additional anesthesia is needed, the cost can be up to $725.

Cryostorage Fees: If you wish to preserve embryos for future use, there will be additional cryostorage fees.

Mock Embryo Transfer: This is a trial transfer to determine the most suitable catheter to use and where to steer it during the real transfer. Mock embryo transfer costs are $240 to $500.

Multiple Cycles: Several IVF cycles before conceiving is common. Some clinics offer discounted pricing on the second or third cycle.

Donor or Surrogate Costs: If using a sperm donor, egg donor, gestational carrier, or surrogate, the cost can range from a few hundred dollars for a sperm donation to tens of thousands of dollars for a carrier or surrogate.

IVF costs in the U.S. are a significant financial burden for most couples. It’s essential to understand the fees associated with the process and budget accordingly. Always ask your clinic for a clear breakdown of costs and what’s included.

Why Travel Abroad for IVF

Why Greece is Becoming a Popular Destination for IVF Treatment

IVF treatment are costly and stressful experience, which is why many couples struggling with infertility look abroad for affordable, high-quality options.
Among the top destinations for IVF treatment, Greece is emerging as a popular choice. Let’s explore why Greece is becoming a go-to destination for couples seeking IVF treatment.

Affordable and High-Quality Treatment Options

According to a recent analysis by, fertility treatments are helping lead the recovery in the medical tourism sector. IVF is the second most popular procedure booked after cosmetic surgery. One of the main reasons for this trend is the significant cost savings couples achieve from going abroad.

Total expenditure on IVF, travel, and hotels in Greece is around $18,000 for three rounds, about $33,000 less than the cost for the same procedure in the United State making Greece an attractive destination for those who want to save money without compromising quality.

Greece has world-class private medical centers with no waiting lists, so couples have access to the best treatment without waiting.

A Relaxing and Stress-Free Environment

Couples traveling to Greece for IVF treatment appreciate the relaxing and stress-free environment the country offers. Getting away from home during a stressful time is a plus for many, and Greece provides a serene backdrop for couples to relax while focusing on treatment. The country’s picturesque landscape and warm weather make it an attractive destination.

Skilled and Competent Doctors

While cost is certainly a major consideration for couples seeking IVF treatment abroad, it’s important to look beyond the price tag and consider quality of care. Greece is home to highly skilled and competent doctors specializing in fertility treatments. Couples undergoing IVF treatment in Greece speak highly of the doctors’ expertise and professionalism.

"It's a great choice for those with an adventurous spirit," says Jordan, who underwent IVF treatment in Greece. Our doctors in Greece were truly skilled and competent, and I'd go back for treatment."

With its affordable and high-quality treatment options, relaxing environment, and skilled doctors, Greece offers couples an attractive alternative to expensive and stressful IVF treatment in the U.S.

Why not combine your IVF treatment with a relaxing vacation in one of the most beautiful countries on earth?

Preparing for IVF Treatment

5-10% weight loss dramatically improves conception.

Screenings Before IVF Treatment

Ovarian Reserve Testing determines egg quantity and quality. This involves measuring the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol (estrogen), and anti-mullerian hormone in your blood during your menstrual cycle. This information, combined with an ovarian ultrasound, helps predict your ovaries response to fertility medication.

Semen Analysis: If semen analysis was not conducted as part of your initial fertility evaluation, your doctor will likely perform this test before starting IVF treatment.

Infectious Disease Screening: Both you and your partner will be screened for infectious diseases, including HIV, to minimize potential risks.

Practice (Mock) Embryo Transfer: Your doctor may perform a mock embryo transfer to determine the depth of your uterine cavity and the most suitable technique to successfully place the embryos into your uterus.

Uterine Exam: Your doctor will examine the inside lining of your uterus, which may involve a sonohysterography or hysteroscopy to create images of your uterine cavity.

IVF success rate has increased from 5% to over 45%.

Questions to Consider Before IVF Treatment

Before beginning an IVF cycle, there are important questions to consider. These include: 

How Many Embryos Will Be Transferred? The number of embryos transferred is usually based on age and the number of eggs retrieved. Older women have lower implantation rates, and more embryos may be transferred. However, guidelines exist to prevent multiple pregnancies. 

Make sure you and your doctor agree on the number of embryos to transfer.

What Will You Do with Any Extra Embryos? Extra embryos can be frozen and stored for future use for several years, donated to another couple or research facility, or discarded. Discuss options with your partner and doctor before making a decision.

How Will You Handle a Multiple Pregnancy? IVF can result in a multiple pregnancy, which poses health risks for you and your babies. Discuss with your doctor the potential risks and consider fetal reduction if needed.

Consider Potential Complications Associated with Using Donor Eggs, Sperm, or Embryos, or a Gestational Carrier? Using donor eggs, sperm, embryos, or a gestational carrier involves legal considerations. Seek advice from a trained counselor and an attorney to understand the legal rights of the donor and ensure a smooth process.

35% of infertility is due to damaged fallopian tubes. 25% of infertility in women is linked to ovulation.

What are the risks of IVF?

As with any medical procedure, there are risks associated with IVF. Some of the potential risks include: 

Intensive hormonal treatments may cause medical complications. These treatments are physically and emotionally strenuous, and the results of the intervention are far from certain. The couple may have to wait to see if the current phase has worked before they can proceed to the next, with some stages requiring repetition until successful.

Risks can be minimized with proper monitoring and care.

Physical Strain
Hormonal treatments involved in IVF can cause a range of physical side effects, including abdominal or generalized bloating, abdominal pain, fluctuations in emotional states, and headaches. Many of the fertility hormones are administered by repeated injections, which can cause bruising besides being painful. The time spent off work undergoing and recovering is considerable.

Emotional Strain
Couples who opt for IVF are already struggling with the difficulty of infertility, and these added strains cause stress and depression. A failed cycle disappointment on top of immense investments (time, money, and energy) deepen the impact of other stressors.

Ovarian Stimulation
The first stage of IVF is ovarian stimulation, which involves fertility hormones to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. The adverse effects of many fertility hormones include abdominal or generalized bloating, abdominal pain, fluctuations in emotional states, and headaches.

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)
An uncommon but serious complication of ovarian stimulation treatment is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). This is due to the accumulation of edema fluid within the chest and the abdomen. As a result, the abdomen may swell and hurt.

Ectopic pregnancy
Another risk of embryo transfer is the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. This is when the fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus, usually in the Fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency that can be life-threatening for the woman, requiring immediate medical attention.

Epigenetic changes
Epigenetics refers to changes in gene expression that occur without altering the underlying DNA sequence. There is some evidence that IVF may cause epigenetic changes in the developing embryo, which may have long-term health effects. More research is required to fully understand the extent and implications of these changes.

8,000,000+ babies born worldwide via IVF

Understanding IVF Results:

If you’re considering in vitro fertilization (IVF), it’s likely you’re interested in success rates and factors affecting pregnancy.

Maternal Age and IVF Success Rates
One of the most significant factors affecting IVF success rates is maternal age. The younger you are, the more likely chances of giving birth to a healthy baby using your own eggs during IVF. 

In contrast, women 41 and older may be counseled to consider using donor eggs to increase success.

Embryo Status and IVF Pregnancy Rates
Embryo status at time of transfer is important. More developed embryos are associated with higher pregnancy rates compared to less-developed embryos (day two or three). However, not all embryos survive the development process, so it’s important to discuss your individual situation with your doctor or care provider.

Reproductive History and IVF Success
Women who have previously given birth are more likely to get pregnant using IVF than women who have never given birth. However, success rates may be lower for women who have used IVF multiple times without getting pregnant.

Cause of Infertility and IVF Outcomes
Infertility reasons play a role in IVF results. For instance, having a normal supply of eggs increases pregnancy likelihood using IVF. In contrast, women with severe endometriosis may be less likely to conceive with IVF than women with unexplained infertility.

Lifestyle Factors and IVF Results
Lifestyle factors impact your chances of success with IVF. Smoking decreases the number of eggs retrieved during IVF and increases miscarriage risk. Similarly, obesity can lower your chances of getting pregnant. Other harmful factors include alcohol use, recreational drugs, excessive caffeine, and certain medications.

Interpreting Your IVF Results
If you’ve undergone IVF and are awaiting results, talk with your doctor about any factors that may apply to you and how they may impact your chances of a successful pregnancy. 

By understanding the various factors that can impact IVF results, you can make informed decisions about your fertility treatment and take steps to increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy.

IVF is a complex and emotionally taxing process that carries risks both for the mother and the baby. It is important for couples considering IVF to fully understand these risks and to discuss them with their doctor. However, it is also important to remember that IVF can be a successful method of assisted reproduction, leading to the birth of healthy babies.


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Embio's clinic staff are professional

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Highly recommended clinic

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Embio Medical Center are excellent

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The amenities provided by Embio Medical Center are excellent. I appreciate their efforts, and my therapy was successful.

I now have my beautiful baby boy 😉

I strongly suggest

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I strongly suggest the greatest hospital where I was treated. Embio is the name. I became pregnant as a result of their treatment.

Amazing doctor

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Amazing doctor, he helped me unbelievably and with his guidance I became a mother!

Great doctor

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A very good man and a great doctor. Thank you very much…

Mr. Paraschos really helped us

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I have visited several doctors but Mr. Paraschos really helped us. We tried for several years but when we found Kyrios Paraschos I got pregnant

Amazing doctor

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Amazing doctor. Very happy with the results. We are 3 months pregnant

helping me become a mom

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Thank you ! Thank you ! And thank you again! Thanks a million times for helping me become a mom of a little girl ! You

Great time experienced

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It was a unique experience we had a great time experienced doctors and very good thanks for everything

Embio's clinic staff are professional

Rated 5 out of 5

Let me just say that having been through a number of IVFs with my husband at two other ivf clinics, we were able to immediately feel the difference that Embio’s clinic staff makes. Their professionalism, sensitivity, understanding and above

Highly recommended clinic

Rated 5 out of 5

Highly recommended clinic! They just focus on their job without using any marketing speach as other clinics do! Thanks to Dr Gatos and his team, I am now holding in my arms a little angel (with the first attempt). The facts speak lounder than words…

Embio Medical Center are excellent

Rated 5 out of 5

The amenities provided by Embio Medical Center are excellent. I appreciate their efforts, and my therapy was successful.

I now have my beautiful baby boy 😉

I strongly suggest

Rated 5 out of 5

I strongly suggest the greatest hospital where I was treated. Embio is the name. I became pregnant as a result of their treatment.

Amazing doctor

Rated 5 out of 5

Amazing doctor, he helped me unbelievably and with his guidance I became a mother!

Great doctor

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A very good man and a great doctor. Thank you very much…

Mr. Paraschos really helped us

Rated 5 out of 5

I have visited several doctors but Mr. Paraschos really helped us. We tried for several years but when we found Kyrios Paraschos I got pregnant

Amazing doctor

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Amazing doctor. Very happy with the results. We are 3 months pregnant

Top-class and affordable

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Made my life blessed

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Dr. Paraschos is the one who made my life blessed. Thank you so much for your therapy doctor.

Great treatment

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I was suffering for 7 years and didn’t have my baby. After the treatment of Dr. Paraschos, I really got my life back. Great treatment!

wonderful experience

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The doctor who inspires confidence, security and optimism during childbirth.

Both Dr. Paraschos as well as Sofia Siganou’s midwife are by our side during the birth, so that we do not feel alone for a minute in this wonderful experience.

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Thank you very much, Embio Medical Center.

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Very clean and pleasant environment. The doctor inspires confidence and makes you feel safe and calm during the examination as he is willing to answer any questions.

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Dr. Paraschos is the person who blessed my life. Thank you very much for your therapy,

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Fertility problems and IVF are increasingly simple to fix. Consult with Dr. Paraschos, the top doctor in Greece.

I am extremely happy now

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Dr. Paraschos successfully recommended egg donation and I am extremely happy now.

Excellent therapy

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I had been in pain for 7 years and had not had my kid. Dr. Paraschos’ therapy gave me my life back.

Highly recommended

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Embio Medical Center is Greece's top clinic

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Dr. Paraschos and his team and to our very helpful coordinator

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Thanks so much to Dr. Paraschos and his team and to our very helpful coordinator Konstantinos who guides us on the process.

It was a bumpy road until we achieved what we are aspiring for.

Embio Clinic gave us discount on our second try and I’m sure hysteroscopy has played a big role on our IVF success.

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I highly recommend it

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Rated 5 out of 5

I wanted to get pregnant and living in the United States, it was too expensive;

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Konstantinos was fantastic, he never left my side and walked me through every step of the way till NOW. I am back in the States, and Pregnant on my first try!!

This message is to everyone who is scared, alone and not sure what to expect. Trust Konstantinos and Dr Thanos, they will not let you down. They will hold your hand every step of the way. I am really thinking of going back to have my delivery in Greece, because coming back to the States I realized that the treatment in Greece was 1st Class. I got treated like a Queen and I do not get that here in the States.

Konstantinos still calls me in the States and tells me what to do and I trust him blindly.

Till Now I cannot get my medications for my Pregnancy and my 1st Scan is a month away. These Doctors and Facilities ARE THE BEST IN THE WHOLE WORLD.

I would give them a 100 stars….

GO TO THEM… You will not be disappointed.. Trust me! I am living proof. I had it done and I cannot say enough good things about them.

my first time IVF Was successful

Rated 5 out of 5

We are a German couple,I am 47 years old and its my first time of going EmBIO.

I Talk to Dr Paraschos about my Problem he give me hope that i need Egg donation it Was nice that i meet Anna she help me alot to get to Alten my first time IVF Was successful.

All the time i was there for treatment Dr Paraschos and Anna they give me hope . I am happy i have my Baby she is so Beautiful.

such an awful clinic

Rated 4 out of 5

Don’t believe the positive reviews since these are bots and paid for!! We are heart broken over the fact that we spent so much money on such an awful clinic. The doctor will see you for 2 seconds since he goes from room to room! They make you wait 2 hours more after your scheduled appointment! The koordinator reads your messages and many times ignores to answer. It felt like you where visiting a baby making machine!! Everything was stressed and no consideration for us who are fragile and long for a baby! The day of the insemination we were several women lying on beds next to each other and in front of us where 2 rooms in which the doctor would go from one to the other, fast, to make the insemination. It was crazy!! I was shocked!! After everything and with negative results I have asked to get copies of my journal and I wanted some answers about the time before the embryos where transferred. I didn’t get any answers and no copies of my journal! If this continues we will have to contact a lawye. DON’T GO THERE!! I wish I had read ALL the comment’s first. I am not the only one to feel what I felt going there.

EMBIO for allowing the fulfillment of our biggest dream

Rated 4 out of 5

Thank you EMBIO for allowing the fulfillment of our biggest dream: to have a child together!

After many miscarriages, we no longer believed that this pregnancy was possible. Following the treatment recommended by Pr PARASCHOS, and from the 1st attempt, our little Garance-Esmée was born on March 20, 2022 and has since been the joy of the whole family.

Many thanks to Pr PARASCHOS and his team, qualified and attentive for this beautiful miracle!

And a special thank you to our adorable coordinator, Anna, always by our side with professionalism in all stages, by her listening, her kindness and her benevolence!

Today, women have the right to IVF treatment

Rated 5 out of 5

For aslong as I can remember, I always knew I wanted children.

I always thought that with the right boyfriend/husband I would start a family. Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out that way, every boyfriends who came into my life either weren’t ready for a family or simply didn’t want children.

Thats when my fertility journey began, when I realized that if I wanted to have children, I would have to do it on my own.

In Sweden, where I live, IVF treatment for single women was allowed quite recently. Today, women have the right to IVF treatment according to the until the age of 45.

When I decided to have children on my own, I contacted Swedish healthcare. I then learned that for me it was too late for IVF treatment even though I had not turned 45 yet. Even though it was allowed IVF treatment for single women, there was a waiting list of between 2-3 years before it would be my turn. By that time, I would have reached the age of 45 and I had no longer the right to fertility treatment according to Swedish law.

That’s when I started contacting different fertility clinics around Europe. Some responded quite quickly and others took a couple of months before I got a response. Some didn’t feel right because I felt they saw their entire treatment activities as one big business. Having children costs money regardless of whether you get medical help or not.

But there are many emotions involved when trying to have a child, it’s not just a business transaction. And then to have to do it on your own it’s even more emotional.

I was feeling pretty down after dealing with a number of clinics. I decided to email Embio Medical Center, I hoped they wouldn’t take so long to respond but also that they didn’t have the same negative attitude as the other clinics I had come into contact with.

I must say that I was pleasantly surprised when they not only answered my email immediately but also contacted me by phone.

There was a positive connection right away, it felt like they actually wanted to help me to have a baby.

Eventually I got in touch with Dr. Thanos Paraschos and with Anna Karamitrou IVF coordinator.

It was not always easy but they had a positive attitude that helped me throughout the treatment, Dr. Thanos Paraschos with his medical knowledge and Anna Karamitrou explining every step during the treatment in a simple and understandable way.

Anna was wonderful not only during the treatment itself but also in other practical aspects such as accommodation, transfer from the airport to the clinic/accommodation.

Throughout my treatment journey, I had support from the clinic, but above all from Anna.

Sometimes the journey felt endlessly long and impossible, but I am glad that I chose to stay and do the treatment at Embio Medical Center. It finally paid off, on August 30, 2022 a wonderful little boy was born.

We are so grateful

Rated 4 out of 5

After having extremely upsetting experiences at two clinics in the US, I found Embio Medical Center, thanks to HebeDoc.

Dr. Paraschos took the time to sit and explain the process, answer questions we had and help put our worries at ease. I was able to call with questions and concerns, the midwives were wonderful and I finally felt positive about our situation. After several failed egg donation treatments this was crucial to the success of us being able to have a baby!

He put thought in my individual case and came up with a plan we all felt confident and less stressed about.

We now have a beautiful baby boy!

I am writing this review to thank Dr. Paraschos and his team. We are so grateful.

Feel confident and safe for scientific excellence

Rated 5 out of 5

He has been my gynecologist for about 15 years, 3 surgeries, a normal delivery and on the way to the second one..a path where Th. Paraschos together with his whole team & an organized framework of experts makes you feel confident and safe for scientific excellence but also for their human side. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I hope this testimony of mine can help other couples in my situation

Rated 4 out of 5

After 3 failed egg donation attempts in a well-known center in Barcelona, ​​I didn’t want to make any more attempts. We had been promised 90% success, and since 3 blastocysts had formed, they told me “if the first attempt doesn’t go well and the second one doesn’t go well, the third certainly won’t go well!” and instead 3 failed attempts with high costs and invasive tests such as endometrial biopsy, ERA test, genetic sperm test, etc.

Then one day my husband found this reputable clinic through HebeDoc, a very well reviewed center in Athens EMBIO which is also less expensive than others in Italy or Spain.

I don’t want to repeat the usual stages, but my husband makes an appointment with Dr. Paraschos Eleni’s assistant and he guides me step by step in a simple and clear way. I finally decided to give it a try and got pregnant the first time!!!

EMBIO immediately guaranteed me success rates of 60/70% at my age. Doctor Paraschos is a reassuring and concrete man of few words, only those that are needed. In other centers we were forced to listen to hours of incomprehensible big words to no avail.

I hope this testimony of mine can help other couples in my situation. Many thanks Doctor Thanos Paraschos.

I highly recommend him

Rated 5 out of 5

My wife and I have been completely satisfied with Mr. Paraschos and his staff!

I highly recommend him!!

I got pregnant with twins

Rated 5 out of 5

Many thanks for all your help!!

I got pregnant with twins at the first attempt!!!

Many thanks Dr Paraschos

Thank you

Rated 5 out of 5

Thank you very much Mr. Parascho for everything!!!!

Mr. Gatos is very kind

Rated 5 out of 5

Mr. Gatos is very kind, very helpful with patience and pays attention to everything you need. He’s actually human!

Perfect everything

Rated 4 out of 5

Perfect everything thank you very much for everything seven months pregnant !!!

Thank you very much Mr. Parascho!!!

everything is perfect

Rated 5 out of 5

Going through the 8th month, Thank you so much to all the staff and the main provider, everything is perfect

You are the best

Rated 4 out of 5

Many thanks for everything Dr Paraschos

Very good and serious scientist

Rated 5 out of 5

Although a very good and serious scientist, the best of his kind and above all a human being! Thank you very much Thano!!!

We are so grateful for you

Rated 5 out of 5

Mr. Paraschos, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! I am twenty weeks pregnant with the first IVF!!

Thank you to the entire Embio team for being by my side at every moment!!

You answered all my questions and you are by my side morning and night!!! Always near me, always smiling and good-natured!!!

We are so grateful for you!!!

Thank you for everything Mr. Parascho

Rated 4 out of 5

Thank you for everything Mr. Parascho!! I have been coming for so many years, always flawless and acceptable, so that you can solve all our questions!!!

Everyone is great here at EmBIO

Rated 5 out of 5

4 months ago

A traumatic donor egg ivf experience in the US as opposed to a successful one at Embio with Dr Thanos Paraschos. I’m 50 and age is not on my side, so my eggs were no good and the suggested treatment was egg donation.

We first had an egg donation treatment two years ago. It was completely unsuccessful, and the embryo transfer was extremely painful. There was never any mention of sedation. And it should have been. Because of the scarring, there was no way to get the catheter through.

They knew all my medical history about my cone biopsy, but didn’t take it into account. I had an ectopic pregnancy a few years back, and a couple years ago, I had an abscess in my fallopian tubes. When I was having these problems with the ectopic pregnancy, I also had a cone biopsy. That left scarring, and so from then on it would be difficult to transfer any embryos.

When I found HebeDoc and learned Dr Paraschos was trained under Professor Winston in England, I thought I’d be in safe hands.

And so I went through a similar process, I said about the cone biopsy and about the extremely painful transfer that I had, and straight away, the IVF coordinator, put my mind at rest. She told me that Dr Paraschos was very experienced, that he had lots and lots of experience in embryo transfers – straightforward and more complicated ones – and he would know what sort of treatment to do.

Indeed, Dr Paraschos highlighted that there would be scarring from the cone biopsy. That’s what would have made it difficult to have a straightforward transfer. So, if you’re asking me, it was doubtful that they ever managed to transfer the 2 embryos in Barcelona. As Dr Paraschos highlighted, he couldn’t get the embryos through the scarring tissue without doing something about it.

So this morning Dr Paraschos knew that we should probably need sedation. He tried without sedation at first, but he was ready for the sedation when it proved necessary. He had to dilate the cervix os (the opening of the cervix) between 3.5-4.5 millimetres, and it was quite straightforward after that.

My endometrium was slightly less than what it should be. Ideally, it should have been between 8 and 12 millimetres, and mine was 7 millimetres. But he said that he had successful pregnancies on women who had only 5-6 millimetres before now.

So that was that, three embryos were transferred, and the IVF coordinator has just given us the final lot of medication to take away.

We stayed 5 nights in Athens.

Everyone is great here at EmBIO. Dr Paraschos if very professional, very forward. The IVF coordinator, has been answering my emails straight away. I emailed, and I thought, it’s going to take a couple of days for an answer, and, before I thought about it, she answered to all my questions, day and night. Really put you at ease.

I am now pregnant with twins and want to say a big thank you to Dr Thanos Paraschos


Having a family was more important to me than passing on my genes to my children

Rated 5 out of 5

Just delivered a boy and a girl and we couldn’t be happier

Having a family was more important to me than passing on my genes to my children. The decision to use donor eggs after one IVF cycle resulting in two miscarriages was a logical and fairly easy decision for me and I was happy to have the support of my husband.

I was only 38 years old when I realized that my eggs were not all great, and of course, I did have a little grieving to do when this happened. But I knew that if I went with a donor egg cycle that I would become

pregnant. So when I made the decision it was a relief. I felt like my biological clock was no longer ticking, and that I could relax and get rid of a lot of anxiety that I had over the time constraints. I could take a break and go back to my normal life for a while because I was no longer using “aging” eggs.

We did a donor cycle once, and it was just a bit more expensive than if I were to use my own eggs, but of course the odds of a successful pregnancy were so much greater that it was worth the extra money. We just delivered a boy and a girl and we couldn’t be happier. They are my babies, I was pregnant with them and now I am nursing and taking care of them. When I’m with them, I don’t even think about the fact that they don’t have my genes.

Many thanks Dr Thanos Paraschos I will be eternally grateful to you and the EmBIO team!!!!!❤️❤️❤️

I can feel him squirming around in there

Rated 4 out of 5

After several trying months of unexpected delays and barriers, we upped our odds with [medication] and conceived our amazing daughter, Maria!! I remember that my first thought, after the nine days of shots, the trips to the Athens for ultrasounds, the anxious readings, and the agonizing two-week wait, was that it had been ridiculously easy. That was five years ago. We have a son on the way now. I can feel him squirming around in there, poking at my bladder as I write this. We suffered many losses and deep disappointments to get to this point, and I have three sharps containers full of needles to prove it.

I can’t imagine what it must be like for women who breeze through conception and pregnancy, but I know I have benefited from the difficulty of my experience. I have gained a profound sense of wonderment about the entire miracle of pregnancy. I have an appreciation for the life I’ve brought into this world, and the one on its way, that I could never have found with any other path. I have developed a depth of sensitivity for those struggling to do what comes so easily to others that has enabled me to support them in a way I could never otherwise have done…”

Thank you Dr Parschos !!!

Words could not express how I'm so grateful for Dr. Paraschos

Rated 5 out of 5

Words could not express how I’m so grateful for Dr. Paraschos in Greece. He made my dreams come true after struggling year’s to be a mom he made it possible. I had IVF treatment with egg donation and got pregnant with the first attempt!!! My baby was born January 29 2023. I’m happy to say I’m a mom now. I wanna thank the midwives who were so understanding and compassionate after the first try was a failure but the doctor and his team gave me courage not to give up. I will

recommend them to everyone I know because they care about you and you are not just a number. Thank you to

the entire team and my Dr. Paraschos. His success is guaranteed if you listen to him. God is good this is a testimony that miracles happen.

Don’t give up hope!

Thank you Dr Paraschos ❤️❤️❤️

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