Brazilian Butt Lift: The Ultimate Guide to BBL Surgery

Tired of feeling self-conscious about your flat, saggy, or asymmetrical buttocks? Do you want a shapelier and lifted appearance, enhancing your confidence and sexuality? Then, the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) might be the solution for you.

BBL is a cosmetic surgery procedure involving fat transfers from unwanted areas of your body to your buttocks, creating a rounder, fuller, and more youthful look.

The procedure is also known as butt augmentation, gluteal augmentation, or fat transfer to the buttocks.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about BBL, including its benefits, risks, cost, preparation, recovery, and results.

We will also answer some of the most common questions about BBL and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

What is Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)?

BBL is a surgical procedure to harvest excess fat from your hips, abdomen, back, thighs, or arms, using liposuction.

Harvested fat is then purified and re-injected into your buttocks, using tiny incisions, in a strategic and artistic manner designed to enhance the shape and volume of your butt.

BBL is not only a cosmetic procedure, but also a body contouring procedure that can help you achieve a more balanced and proportional figure.

By removing fat where you don’t want it and adding it to areas where you do, BBL enhances your curves, creating a more hourglass silhouette.

The Brazilian butt lift has become so popular because it is essentially two procedures in one. Rid yourself of unwanted fat and simultaneously reshape your buttocks and hips—all without artificial injections or implants—creating an hourglass shape.

Pros and cons of BBL surgery?


  • Natural-looking results.
  • Enhanced size and butt shape.
  • Contoured waist, love handles and thighs.
  • Long-lasting results (with weight stability).
  • Safe (when performed above the muscle and fascia).
  • Minimal scarring.
  • No allergic reaction risk.
  • Lower infection risk compared to butt implants.


  • Two-week recovery period.
  • Painful recovery process.
  • Body may reabsorb 40% of transferred fat.
  • Reputation for being dangerous (with wrong surgeon).
  • Revision surgery may be necessary.

Cost of BBL Surgery

The cost of a BBL surgery varies depending on several factors, including the surgeon’s credentials, location, number of areas being treated, type of anesthesia, and who administers it.

BBL surgery costs between $7,500 and $19,000 in Los Angeles and varies from city to city.

When getting a quote for BBL surgery, ask about the total cost, including:

  • Consultation fee
  • Surgeon fee
  • Facility fee (private surgery center or hospital)
  • Anesthesia fees
  • Pre- and post-op appointments

Traveling Abroad Benefits

In the U.S., BBL Surgery is expensive, making it challenging for most of us to afford. Looking for a cost-effective way to undergo BBL Surgery? Traveling abroad may be the perfect solution.

Why Turkey is an Attractive Destination for BBL Surgery

Istanbul is a mecca for cosmetic surgeries due to its affordability, highly professional and developed industry, designed to service the world’s cosmetic surgery needs.

Travelers visit from North America, the UK and neighboring countries for hair transplants, breast augmentations, liposuction, and dental procedures, which are typically one third of the price compared to what’s offered in their home countries. 

BBL Surgery costs $4,215 – $4,962 in Istanbul whereas in Los Angeles this same treatment cost between $7,500- $19,000.

Why plastic surgery is so much cheaper in Istanbul:

  • Lower Operating Costs: Rent, utilities, and supplies, are much lower in Istanbul.
  • Lower Labor Costs for medical professionals and operating room staff.
  • Lower Marketing and Advertising Costs: Lower spend results in lower prices.
  • Lower Malpractice Insurance Costs keeps the cost of plastic surgery down.
  • Competition among plastic surgeons in Istanbul, results in lower prices.
  • Favorable exchange Rate: Each US dollar or Euro exchanges for 20 Turkish Lira.

Candidates: What makes a good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)?

Strong candidates for a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) procedure have these common traits:

  • Stable health and weight.
  • Enough fat in other body areas to harvest for transfer.
  • Non-smokers, as smoking hinders healing.
  • A physical exam to determine candidacy and set expectations.


Before scheduling a consultation, carefully review the surgeon’s before and after photo gallery, focusing on similar body types.

Technical expertise and nuance are involved in getting a BBL right. This isn’t a cosmetic procedure learned in a weekend course.

BBL doctors insist it’s imperative to seek out a board-certified plastic surgeon who performs butt lift procedures routinely, in accordance with the latest safety guidelines

BBL Before and After Photos: What to look for

Once you find a vigilant surgeon who meets these benchmarks, you will, of course, want to peruse their patient testimonials and their before-and-after photo gallery.

But what exactly are you looking for? Real, relatable photos, for starters—plus several other subtle signs of remarkable results.

Here are the six points that matter most in BBL, according to top plastic surgeons.

1. Aligned body type:

Look at the patient’s shape in “before” photos to determine if your desired end result is achievable. Can the surgeon perform the procedure across different body types?

2. Authentic long-term after photos:

Avoid on-the-table BBL photos, taken immediately post procedure as they are misleading. Instead, review “after” photos taken three to six months once swelling has subsided and true dimensions have been established.

3. Flawless liposuction (lipo) results:

The BBL is a two-part cosmetic surgery procedure, so consider liposuctioned zones for smooth transitions, natural contours, devoid of lumps and irregularities. Note the skin quality in the patient’s “before” photos.

4. Reasonable expectations:

Use digital imaging to set realistic expectations. A skilled surgeon alters a patient’s body gradually until they see the desired shape.

5. Variety in “before” body images:

A lack of variety is a red flag. The surgeon needs to be able to handle the procedure in different body types.

6. No liposuction scars:

Look for flawless lipo results, and avoid “after” photos with liposuction scars.

Surgery: What to expect

Here is an overview of the surgical steps involved in a BBL.

Before your BBL surgery

  • Discussion: Goals, medical history, and BBL risks will be reviewed.
  • Instructions will be provided by your surgeon.
  • Markings: Body areas where fat will be removed and added.
  • Photos: “Before” photos will be taken to compare with postop results.

General anesthesia, administered through IV, will put you to sleep, keeping you still, and comfortable throughout the procedure. Local anesthesia is not advised as it carries lidocaine toxicity risk and can be painful given BBL’s lengthy procedure.

Operating Room

  • Cleaning: your skin will be cleaned with an antiseptic surgical prep.
  • Incisions are made to insert a cannula, a thin tube used to extract fat.
  • Purification: Extracted fat is purified, isolating healthiest cells for transfer.
  • Fat Transfer: Purified fat is injected into tissue just below skin surface, enhancing its shape.
  • Layering: Fat is injected to achieve desired contours. To avoid a life-threatening fat embolism, fat must be injected above the muscle and fascia and not within or below it.

A Brazilian butt lift is a highly personalized procedure designed to deliver beautiful and long-lasting results. A qualified and experienced plastic surgeon can help you achieve your desired outcome. With proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy your new, fuller, more shapely buttocks for years to come.

Results: When you will see them

While the results of a BBL are immediately visible, it can take up to a year to see the final outcome.

Immediate: A noticeable increase in buttocks volume from transferred fat cells…

Four Months: Swelling reduces. Anticipate up to 40% of the transferred fat cells will be lost due to the body’s natural process of eliminating dead or damaged cells.

Year: Final results are visible. Any asymmetry, dents, or less-than-ideal results may be improved with additional fat transfers, assuming there’s enough fat for harvesting.

How Long do Brazilian Butt Lift Results Last?

Fat cells remaining at four months post-operation are permanent. However, weight fluctuations will impact results. Gaining weight alters your proportions and alternatively, too much weight loss will decrease your butt’s size.

The Beauty of a Brazilian Butt Lift

The ability of your results to change with you, is part of the BBL appeal. Since it’s your own living fat cells, it will evolve with your body.

Combining a tummy tuck and BBL

Yes, it is possible to have a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) at the same time. This combination procedure is designed to address multiple cosmetic concerns in one surgery.

Both procedures can be performed simultaneously by an experienced plastic surgeon to help you achieve a more toned and contoured body.

During a tummy tuck, excess skin and fat from the abdomen is removed, and the abdominal muscles are tightened to create a flatter, more toned appearance.

During a BBL, unwanted fat is removed from other areas of the body and transferred to the buttocks to enhance its shape and size.

When performed together, a tummy tuck and BBL can help restore a more youthful and attractive body shape, within a single recovery period.

Note: Having both done simultaneously is a complex, extensive surgery. Choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with substantial experience to perform both procedures.

Safety: Tips for recovering from your BBL

Recovery time varies between two and six weeks, depending on the extent of your lipo and how your body heals. Plan on taking two weeks off work, four if possible.

Your surgeon will provide specific care instructions.

  • Keep incisions clean and dry.
  • Wear a compression garment to minimize swelling.
  • Avoid sitting for at least two weeks.
  • Sleep on your stomach or side for several weeks.
  • Pain medication will be provided.
  • Rest for a few days. Gradually resume activity as you feel able.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for six weeks.
  • Expect swelling, bruising, and pain. Tightness, itching, or burning are typical as your skin adjusts to its new body.
  • Follow-up appointments monitoring progress and ensuring proper healing.

Risks and Complications of BBL Surgery

Like any surgery, BBL comes with risks and potential complications. It’s important to understand these risks before undergoing the procedure to make an informed decision.

Call your surgeon if you experience any of the following:

  • Severe pain
  • Fever
  • Redness or swelling that worsens over time.
  • Drainage or foul-smelling discharge.
  • Any unusual or worrying symptoms.

Be patient. The final results of your BBL won’t be visible for several months, as swelling goes down and the fat cells settle into their new home the new you will be revealed.

Note: BBL results are permanent, as long as you maintain a stable weight and overall good health.

Reputable Surgeons

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery can provide long-lasting, natural-looking results for those unhappy with the appearance of their buttocks. It’s important to carefully consider the benefits and risks before undergoing the procedure.

If you’re interested in a BBL, review our doctors to find a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon and ask about the total cost of the procedure, including any additional fees for pre- and post op.

At HebeDoc, we work with board-certified plastic surgeons with a proven track record of delivering high-quality care and excellent results.

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