Dr. Civas

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Rated 4.8 out of 5
4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 63 reviews)
Very good22%

ABOUT Dr. Civas


One of the top hair restoration surgeons globally, Dr Civas, is an accomplished surgeon, author of numerous articles, as well as the author of three books. 

Hair restoration surgery is complex, requiring surgical skill and artistry; together with an expert team of technicians, Dr Civas offers exceptional results. 

Performing only one surgery daily, Civas Clinic strives for excellent results for every patient, at an attractive price point. Premium hair transplant services, without the premium prices charged throughout Europe, U.S. and Australia.

  • 2021: Associate Professor of Dermatology
  • 1996 – 1999: Dermatology Concentration
  • 1993 – 1996: Residency
  • 1993: Dicle University School of Medicine

Continuing Education:

  • Ankara Numune Hospital (2003-2007)
  • Barcelona (2004)
  • Stockholm (2005)
  • New York City (2006)
  • Surgical treatment primary and secondary cicatricial alopecia (2006)
  • Digital trichoscopy and digital dermoscopy with Photofinder (2016)
  • Microneedle treatment for Hair Loss (2017)
  • Autologous hair stem cell therapies (2019)
  • Adipose derived stem cell therapy for hair loss (2021)
  • 2006: FUE hair transplant practice
  • 2011: First Turkish doctor to be ABHRS Certified
  • 2015:First Turkish doctor to become Fellow ISHRS (FISHRS)
  • 2018: Advanced Board Review Course lecturer, ABHRS
  • American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS)
  • International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons (IAHRS)
  • International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)
  • European Hair Research Society (EHRS)
  • European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ESHRS)
  • Asian Association Hair Restoration Surgeons (AAHRS)
  • International Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ISDS)
  • FUE transplantation
  • Beard transplants
  • Eyebrow transplants
  • Hair transplant repair
  • Scar revision
  • Hair transplants for women


Below you find an example of what your trip could look like. We will provide you with your personal itinerary when you book with us.


Package 1

1.0 € per graft
  • Planning: Doctor
  • Hairline design: Doctor
  • Incisions: Technicians
  • Extraction: Technicians
  • Implantation : Technicians

Package 2

1.5 € per graft
  • Planning: Doctor
  • Hairline design: Doctor
  • Incisions: Doctor
  • Extraction: Technicians
  • Implantation : Technicians

Package 3

2.5 € per graft
  • Planning: Doctor
  • Hairline design: Doctor
  • Incisions: Doctor
  • Extraction: Doctor
  • Implantation : Technicians


Below find some of the frequently asked questions about your procedure and the trip.

You can pay at the clinic using the following methods:

  • Bank transfer
  • Creditcard: Mastercard, Visa, Maestro
  • Debitcard
  • Cash: EUR/USD


I can truly say my results are still amazing

Rated 5 out of 5

I can truly say my results are still amazing

A year ago, almost to date, I had my hair transplant with Dr. Civas.

I promised myself I will wait the full year before I ever advise anyone if this was a good idea or not. Before I took this decision, I did extensive research that included at least 5 consults with similar world-renowned hair transplant surgeons in the USA.

With more and more research it was nothing but negative reviews about all, lawsuits or some horrible thing that had gone wrong in some way, shape or form. My decision to go with Dr. Civas was the best I have ever taken. I was greeted from day one at the airport with a personal driver.

I was then taken to my booked hotel near the office. I was offered a tour of the city with a personal driver as well. Now, let’s talk surgery team. I was greeted with the most

professionalism, respect and welcome at the office.

My consultation went as we had previously discussed via phone texts. Next day I went in for what I thought to be the longest day of my life. It’s hard not to move and listen to all the guidance given by the team. It felt like I was in that chair for a lot longer than the expected 8 hours.

I went back to my Hotel room that night unsure of what to expect and how this might turn out. I was so concerned and unsure if the decision to do go through the procedure was the right decision.

I was worried when I felt a bit of pain that night and saw spots of blood on my pillow the next morning. I was also uncomfortable that night I had to sleep in an upright position on my back.

Thanks to my amazing wife for being by my side every step of the way, we made it through that night. Went back the next morning to take off my bandage and have my head shampooed.

The week or so started by being extremely cautious not itch/ scratch/ or do anything but follow the safety guidelines I was provided from washing my hair, shock loss to avoiding hitting me head accidentally, wearing the hat in sunny days for 90 days to for, etc.

I watched for the next few months as my hair was buzz cut trying to make a comeback. Then about 6mo in, I started seeing small hairs grow and a year to date today I can truly say my results are still amazingly shocking as I look myself in the mirror with a full head of hair! It’s an emotional experience, having a full head of hair once again.

I look like I gained 15 years of youth! I see men, walking through mid-life, down, overweight, bald and think—He needs to go to Civas! It would change his entire outlook on life!!

My side effects experienced were everything written on the guidance sheet provided by the team according to each phase post pressure. My only remaining side effect is some numbness remaining in the transplant area, however I feel like it’s not affecting my quality of life or than I just notice no feeling when I brush my hair.

I wanted to thank Dr. Civas, his team and HebeDoc for doing a great job and providing great accommodations that made us feel right at home.


Dr Civas and his entire staff do an amazing job

Rated 5 out of 5

I got my hair transplant done a week ago and I can’t be happier with the service

I got my hair transplant done a week ago and I can’t be happier with the service I received from their clinic. Dr Civas and his entire staff do an amazing job.

The minute you decide to take a step to get the procedure, you know this would be a life changing experience. I can’t wait to see the results of the hair transplant.


They were all so lovely

Rated 5 out of 5

One year on – Best thing I ever did

13 months post-op

Dr Civas and HebeDoc are incredible.

It’s now been a year since I had the surgery and its one of the best things I’ve ever done!

The surgery itself was nothing to be worried about and the knowledge of getting a full hairline back makes those first couple of months of having it bald, whilst growing back worthwhile.

He’s the best in the business. I can’t thank him and his lovely staff enough.

They were all so lovely and I still chat to them now, a year on. If you’re having doubts, that’s understandable, but it’s so worth it.

I’m so glad I did it!

It’s hard to believe what I use to look like, now that I have a full head of hair


All in all, very pleased

Rated 5 out of 5

Dr Ekrem Civas, 3200 Grafts FUE

3 days post-op+9

I am in my mid-forties, from the UK and I started losing my hair 23 years ago.

At first it was just receding around the temples, but this progressed slowly over the years and is now very noticeable and advanced.

About 8-10 year ago when my hair loss started to become more noticeable I saw an ad for Bosley while in NY on holiday and I was intrigued. They made it look so easy to get your hair back. I got online and poked around and was lucky to find some good forums that documented many horror stories from places like Bosley (it seems I dodged a bullet).

On these forums I came across some dude called Spencer something who represented certain doctors and I sent him photos for evaluation. He told me that I needed strip, which for me was not an option as I didn’t want the scar, so I put it to bed.

I shaved my head and got on with life. Then a few years ago a friend of mine who had similar balding patter to myself had FUE in the US and it looked bloody great.

I could not get over it. I thought, going bald isn’t so bad, but if you can get your hair back then why not? I could not afford what he paid in the US, $27,000 so I started looking into medical tourism, which seemed much more affordable.

Quickly I was overwhelmed. Until, I found HebeDoc.

I narrowed it down to a few doctors who were ABHRS and/or ISHRS:

Dr Ekrem Civas – Very well qualified doctor, much more so than the others. His list of credentials is impressive and he regularly publishes research on hair restoration and speaks at international hair restoration forums.

The price was right too – bang on budget. My gut just said ‘this is the place’, and I decided to go with them back in October 2016, but could not get a date to fit in with my work and travel commitments.

I managed to achieve this in February 2018 (and even this was a last minute cancellation, as I had 2 weeks between jobs and so could squeeze it in and hope I recovered in time to go back to work!).

So, I flew down to Ankara, arrived around 9pm and the driver was waiting in a brand new VW minibus. He took me to a small boutique hotel, close to the clinic. The hotel was very nice – plush, clean and comfortable.

I know for many, the hotel is not that important, but for me it was. I was very impressed and happy with the hotel and the part of town I was in – this built my confidence up for the surgery itself.

I walked to the clinic the next day around 8am and was met by a nice lady who asked me to change into hospital scrubs and shaved my head.

The doctor turned up soon after. He could see I was nervous and he tried very hard to put me at ease and make me feel relaxed.

Dr Civas is a very kind, humane and friendly person, with genuine concern for his patients and staff.

After some get-to-know-you talk he drew the hairline, which I thought looked good, then we proceeded to the surgery itself.

First came the injections, which most posters describe as the worst part of the surgery. I actually didn’t feel much pain at all – just tiny stings that were not that painful.

Soon my head was numb and the doctor and his team went on to the extractions. These took a while, with the techs doing most of the work. The doctor came in regularly to check on progress and ask me how I was feeling.

After the extractions were done, I had a short lunch break and a brief rest and we went on to the second part of the surgery, which were the incisions and the implantation.

The doctor made the incisions himself – 3200 cuts into the scalp – but I could not feel anything.

Thereafter, another short rest and we went on to the implantation stage, which lasted around 4 hours and for me was the most difficult part of the day as you cannot really move around.

The doctor begins the process, guides the techs and then they get on with it alone, however he is never far away and he checks in periodically.

I fell asleep a few times, had a break halfway through and before I knew it I was done. They cleaned me up, I had a final briefing with Doctor Civas and I went back to the hotel.

I felt good, like I had made the right decision with this clinic, and I was relieved it was over and there were no hitches.

The clinic sent me a complimentary dinner that night which was delicious (I can’t seem to get enough of Turkish food!) and I propped myself up on a couple of pillows and fell asleep.

I didn’t feel any pain at all, just very mild discomfort, and I slept a total of ten hours the first night. The next day I kicked around the hotel during the morning, spraying my head with the saline solution the clinic had given me, and waiting for check out time.

I left the hotel at 2pm and went to the clinic for bandage removal and first washing. It was a great relief to remove the bandage from my head. The nurse washed my head and Patricia was also present.

From there, I had a final debrief with Dr Civas, where he went over the post-care treatment once more and checked if I was feeling fine.

We shook hands and the taxi came to take me to the airport. Flying back was the part I was dreading the most. The clinic had given me a large size baseball cap with adjustable band at the back, so I wore this carefully. At security the guard asked me to take off the cap, which I did briefly.

I sprayed my head a few times while waiting to board, and wore the cap on the plane for the flight home.

Now I am in my 2nd day post-surgery. Donor area is a bit tender but sleeping is fine so long as I prop myself up a bit. Recipient area is the same, I spray regularly with the saline solution.

All in all, very pleased…


Good friendly and caring team

Rated 5 out of 5

Hair transplant in turkey, ankara. 3000 grafts. Feb 17

11 months post-op

Pain free after the initial injections. Good friendly and caring team.

Got picked up and dropped off, the normal routine.

Happy with the first result so went back to the same team to get my 2nd hair transplant done.


I was impressed by his work

Rated 5 out of 5

5,445 grafts

I’m 32 working in Abu Dhabi, I’ve been balding since I was 21 and now, it’s at the point where I either shave it off (and have absolutely no self-confidence because it doesn’t suit me one bit) or get a hair transplant.

I loss lot of hair, a good friend referred me to HebeDoc and here I am.There are over a 100 surgeons in Turkey, I’m confident HebeDoc has found the best, U.S. Board Certified, heavily credentialed and lots of positive reviews .

Dr. Ekrim Civas has many years of experience, tremendous educational knowledge, written books on hair surgery and hair advice, given speeches at International Conventions and is recognized by the most Hair Transplant Governing bodies around the World.

I did my hair transplant 4 weeks ago and I was very pleased with his services.

From the time you are picked at the airport to the time you leave, the team take very good care of you and make you feel so comfortable. Specially Patricia Petkey she was very helpful.

Dr. Civas is very skilled in hair transplantation, he has 18 years’ experience and that made me very comfortable. He also had a very good personality that made me free to discuss any of my fears with him. He explained to me realistic expectations, and showed me his patient’s results.

I was impressed by his work, His work ethic and the time he takes with his patients. The hair transplant went perfectly well with 3200 grafts FUE. I am now looking forward to the results.

I recommend him to anyone who is considering doing a hair transplant in Turkey. Dr. Ekrem Civas and his team are great. I am very impressed with Dr. Civas and my 2nd hair transplant surgery I will go with Dr. Civas.

Thanks you very much Hebedoc and Dr. Civas.


My FUE surgery is a major success

Rated 5 out of 5

FUE in Ankara, Turkey – Extremely Satisfied – Ankara, TR

Arrived in Ankara on Monday. Impressed by the professionalism of the staff, from the patient coordinator whose mother tongue is English, to the assistants.

Hotel is a 4 min walk to clinic. Pre op consultation was clear and everything explained in detail. Dr Civas takes the time to explain and make you feel at ease.

The next day, surgery. They take only one patient per day. 3 nurses work alongside Dr. Civas, who have been working with him for over 10 years. Surgery room very clean, state of the art.

Dr Civas draws your hairline and injects an anesthetic, an almost painless process. Slightly uncomfortable for a second and then all is good. I cannot tell much about the surgery itslef as I slept almost all the time!

Dr Civas made all the incisions himself, and starts getting the grafts before handing over to the nurses who work in a very efficient manner. Which is why I fell asleep…

Everyone is so kind, you feel that you are not just a number. At noon I had a quick lunch and they started inserting the grafts. And then it was over in 8 hours.

They gave me a cap, all medications and ordered a taxi – after the surgery it is preferable even for such a short walk! An assistant even accompanied me.

A complimentary dinner is served in room. No pain for now, just a bit tired. Amazing results.

I am really glad I went for Civas Clinic. There are cheaper alternatives in Turkey but dr Civas is the only ISHRS fellow and a member of the American Board of hair restoration surgery. I cannot speak highly enough of him.

Appointment tomorrow to remove the bandage. Am really stoked.

Updated on 24 May 2016:

6 days post surgery. I had quite a bit of swelling on the 3Rd day. No pain. A bit itchy.

Updated on 29 May 2016:

Dr Civas recommended to moisten the scalp with olive oil which has good properties for the skin. I used aloe vera, applying a thick layer one hour before showering.

Updated on 30 May 2016:

99% of scabs are gone. There is some redness. The donor area is itchy at times, 1 on a scale from 1 to 10, lasting no more than 2 seconds. This happens perhaps 5-6 times a day.

The grafted area is insensitive near the forehead. I notice a difference with low-cost clinics pictures: where others have a pattern in the grafts (a sort of Z) which makes me think of a field of rice or similar, my grafts are completely random, more natural.

I like short haircuts. I think there is a difference when you get a team of specialists who know what they are doing and have been doing it for years, as opposed to nurses who just started in this and have little interest in the effective results, knowing that the patient is coming only because of the low price.

I’m really happy that I chose this clinic and his team. On a side note, I moisten my scalp at night with skin moisturizing cream which helps the scabs detach during the morning shower. Today back in the gym!

Updated on 19 Sep 2016:

My hairdresser, knows of my procedure. She told me Dr Civas did an extremely good job, as she’s used to see FUE guys that usually it looks like “corn fields”, exactly what she said. Corn crops…. Haha.

Initially I was wearing the cap from the clinic. Now, I walk bare head and nobody seems to notice. My new girlfriend did not notice anything. Overall, really happy. I did not shed all my hair, so what you see is most likely the remaining hair, plus some new hair, the rest is just starting to grow.

Looks good, when it’s raining. I don’t feel the rain over my scalp (i HATED the feeling). So really happy.

I can only confirm what I wrote initially about Dr Civas. I would go again without hesitation, so glad I chose him.

I read after the surgery many horror stories about unnatural looks, poor results from cheap clinics, including some ppl starting to lose hair 2/3 years after surgery. I’m not there yet, but from what I read this is due to poor transplantation.

Updated on 28 Jun 2017:

It’s been over a year now. I recently had my hair dyed so that the white hair doesn’t show. I am very happy that I did the FUE surgery with Dr Civas.

– During that year I experienced some itching sometimes on the donor area. Nothing painful. Now it’s gone. The hairs on my forehead are exactly as they were when I was 20. The covering is very good. Not bad for a 50-year-old.

Can other people tell? For the past 3 months I have been dating a girl who is 34 and she did not make any remark or comment about my hair. She dyed my hair, so I am sure she has seen it from very close – but she never asked. Nor has anyone else since my hair returned to normal.

I have a picture of me pre surgery. I can’t believe I looked like that, bald and old!

My FUE surgery is a major success, it has helped me with my confidence and it makes me look younger. I’m a very happy and would do it again without hesitation!


I’m extremely pleased with the procedure and the results

Rated 5 out of 5

28-Year-Old 3400 Grafts

I had a FUE procedure with Dr Civas. I had been considering it for about 2 years. I started losing my hair about 6 years ago. Though it wasn’t so bad I wanted to get it done before it became really noticeable.

I’m extremely pleased with the procedure and the results.

It’s been 4 months since the surgery and I’m starting to see great results. Especially after seeing the prior photo. And there’s more results to come!! Very exciting


You are the BEST

Rated 5 out of 5

36 Years Old, 3500 Grafts. Turkey, TR

I had a previous Hair transplant of 2700 FUT done in London with Dr May in 2014. It was not as good as I expected and the results were not as hoped. After researching and contemplating further work, I picked Dr. Civas in Ankara to do the transplant.

Travel to Turkey was memorable. We lost our bag. Fortunately, all ended well. This was the first time we traveled abroad together and neither of us have traveled a lot.

I can’t find the words how could I thank Patricia for all of her help.

Thanks to you, you were able to locate our suitcase. Thank you for taking good care of us. Thanks for everything! We will never forget this! You are the BEST!


You’re awesome

Rated 5 out of 5

Thank you. A million thanks to you and all the members of your clinic, it was wonderful to be your patient. You took such a good care of me and made me feel so welcomed. You’re awesome!


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