Hair loss is a common problem for both males and females alike. Yet, hair is an integral part of our aesthetic personality and even identity. Loss impacts people psychologically and socially. Loss in confidence may negatively impact interactions with others.

Contributing factors:

  • Chemical exposure (shampoos, other)
  • Genetics (family history)
  • Scalp conditions
  • Hormonal problems
  • Stress
  • Nutrition deficiency
  • Drug use (prescription and other)

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

is a hair transplant procedure in which individual hair follicles are removed from the donor area (back and sides of the head) and transplanted to the recipient area (front, top, and crown of the head). This is done to restore hair growth in areas where hair has thinned or is lost.




HebeDoc will present several recommendations of clinics and doctors meeting our selection criteria. After you decide, a treatment date will be set and confirmed with a 10% deposit. Anticipate surgery will take the entire day. Plan on arriving at least one day prior to surgery.


A hair transplant specialist will assess your suitability for hair transplant surgery. You will be asked to send pictures of your face and head (top, front, left, right, and back angles). After reviewing your images, the hair transplant specialist will estimate number of grafts required.

Expect the following questions:

  • Have you ever had a transplant before?
  • What medication are you taking?
  • Is your hair loss hereditary?
  • When did you start losing hair?
  • Do you have any medical conditions we should be aware of? 

Inform your surgeon about your motivation, expectations, and goals for the surgery.

Before Surgery

  • A week prior to surgery, stop taking Aspirin or any blood thinners.
  • Drug allergies? Inform your surgeon beforehand.
  • Avoid smoking 24 hours before surgery as it will affect your recovery period.
  • Avoid Alcoholic beverages 24 hours before surgery.
  • Taking medication for chronic or acute diseases, (diabetes, heart disease) inform your surgeon.

Surgery Duration

  • 4-8 hours

In Person Consultation

A face-to-face consultation with the hair transplant surgeon happens upon arrival. Expectations and goals will be discussed and the surgeon will draw your new hairline. 

1. Consultation

Meet with your hair transplant surgeon via Zoom to evaluate your scalp, hair line, discuss goals and expectations.

2. Preparation

Procedure Day, you'll receive a local anesthetic to numb the donor and recipient areas and a sedative to help you relax.

3. Harvesting

The surgeon will use a small punch tool to remove individual hair follicles from the donor area. The punch tool is inserted into the scalp at a specific angle to minimize damage to surrounding tissue. 500- 4,000 hair follicles are harvested from donor area, typically the back and sides of head.

4. Processing

Harvested hair follicles are processed and prepared for transplantation. This may involve separating the follicles into individual units and trimming the excess tissue.

5. Transplantation

The surgeon creates small incisions in the recipient area and carefully insert the processed hair follicles, paying careful attention to the direction, angle, and density of the transplanted hairs to ensure a natural-looking result.

6. Aftercare

After the procedure, you'll be given instructions on how to care for the transplanted area. This may include avoiding certain activities and using special shampoo and scalp ointment.

HebeDoc—the doctor you need for the price you want.

Post Procedure Check Up

Your head will be covered with bandages, and painkillers prescribed to manage any discomfort. Your surgeon will provide instructions to follow during the recovery period.

Recovery Time

The recovery process following a hair transplant is typically 10 to 14 days. In the first couple of days after the procedure, anticipate minor pain and discomfort, tenderness, redness, and swelling in the scalp and forehead.

  • Return to work 3 days post procedure. 
  • Don’t wash hair for the first 3 days.
  • Avoid brushing for 3 weeks.
  • Minoxidil use daily to support hair growth.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions to speed up your recovery. 

It is normal to experience a phenomenon called shock loss, in which about 90% of the transplanted hair falls out. This is temporary and part of the recovery process.

Two months following the procedure, you may see about 5% of the transplanted hair growing, by four to six months, 20% to 25% of the transplanted hair growing.

Six months to one year post procedure, 75% of the transplanted hair will likely become denser and thicker. Anticipate it taking 18 months for hair to fully grow.

While the success rate for FUE hair transplants is a high 95%, it is not guaranteed to be permanent. There is a risk of complications such as bleeding, infection, and allergic reactions to the anesthesia. It is important to follow the pre- and post-surgery instructions provided by your surgeon and be realistic about your expectations for the results of the procedure. consult with a qualified healthcare professional or hair transplant specialist to discuss your specific situation and expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are FUE Hair Transplants Painful?

Expect minimal discomfort. Prescribed painkillers will relieve any pain.

Is FUE Hair Transplant Permanent?

While not guaranteed to last forever, anticipate your new hair to be with you for a very long time.

Does an FUE Hair Transplant Leave a Scar?

No. There is no linear scalp scar created in the donor area.

Is FUE Hair Transplant Affordable Abroad?

Yes, what is an expensive procedure state side is affordable abroad. The clinic’s location, the surgeon’s experience, and technique used area all factors impacting cost. 


ProcedureDurationStayCostAnesthesiaRecoveryFinal ResultsSide EffectsRisksSuccess RateReturn, WorkExerciseScarsPain
FUE Hair Transplant4 – 8 hours2 nights hotel


Local anesthesia10 to 14 days18 monthsItching, swelling, scalp painBleeding,
95%After 3 daysAfter 4 weeksNoSlight discomfort
Procedure  FUE Hair Transplant
Duration  4 – 8 hours
Stay  2 nights hotel
Cost  2,400-5,500
Anesthesia  Local anesthesia
Recovery  10 to 14 days
Final Results  18 months
Side Effects  Itching, swelling, scalp pain
Risks  Bleeding, infection, allergic reaction
Success Rate  95%
Exercise  After 4 weeks
Return, Work  After 3 days
Scars  No
Pain  Slight Discomfort
HebeDoc combines world-class healthcare and low-cost, transparent pricing for people seeking affordable solutions abroad.
We are the first and only company offering a one-of-a-kind guarantee.

The Hair Transplant Professionals

Dr. Civas

Dr. Kayihan

Dr. Civas

Dr. Kayihan


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